BTW, this may seem like an odd version to choose, but I rember when I first saw it and it made me cry.
From the tiny window of his room he could see the small blue-green planet earth. He'd never been, not many people had, but on lunar base 3 it was a constant reminder of where they'd all come from. He visited it in his sleep though, the doctor had mumbled something about ancestral memories and handed over pills to help him sleep. But sometimes he likes the visit. It was beautiful, but terrifying. All the colours were too vivid, nothing he'd ever experienced before, even in the green houses where they grew food plants it was all still muted. The distance to the sky was too much, having lived his life on bases or ships, always enclosed, the openness was scary. But even worse was waking and feeling claustrophobic.
He'd tried to replicate it in a holo room, but he hadn’t managed it, there was something missing. He wondered what it would be like to feel a fresh breeze on his skin, not air that had be recycled so often you wondered how often it had been since it had been outside and how any people it had passed through.
He reached out and touched the window. One day.